Betsey got a kiwi snowcone and then kept asking us if her tongue had turned blue...Darling if you want your tongue to turn blue you might need to order the blue snowcone next time!
Having some fun in the fountains!
Playing on top of the sand hill which was right next to our table, talk about perfect seats!
Soaking wet but having fun!
Soaking wet but having fun!
We went to Lulu's for lunch, now for those of you who don't frequent the Alabama coast this is Jimmy Buffet's sister's restaurant. Now I will be the first to admit that I am not a huge fan of Lulu's, usually there is at least and hour and 45 minute wait and the last time we were there I didn't think that the food was that good! However, I was pregnant with Ellasyn and if I am honest I just really didn't think any food was good then except for X-factor Strawberry/Lime gatorade could drink that like there was no other! This time at Lulu's we didn't have to wait and I thought that the food was much better! It was also AWESOME for the kids!!!!1 They have this big sand and water area that they can play in, there was a guy playing the guitar and there was a snow cone stand! Can we just say Heaven for two little girls! We met up with some friends and their little girl and stayed for a long time just enjoying the music and letting all of the girls play! Worked out great because they both CRASHED when we got in the car and took almost 4 hour naps! So now maybe Lulu's might take the place of my beloved Original Oyster House....hummmm thought about it NOT a CHANCE!!!