Monday, April 6, 2009

Art and Music

I feel bad for the parents of the little girl behind B, you can only see her when B moves!
"C'mon Mom, no more pictures!"

Betsey had an art and music program at school right before Spring Break. It was really cite. I can't get over how well all of the kids did, they were in the main sanctuary of our church which is HUGE (it sits like seriously 3000 people) I would have been a little intimidated by that! Betsey was looking for us when she first went up on stage but once she found Rusty and waved at all of us she did Great! Thanks Gigi, Nana and Granddaddy for coming. After the performance we went to down to the "gallery" to take a look at some of her artwork. They have done some really cute things especially with their handprints. I am so glad that she has enjoyed school this year. We could not have asked for a better class for Betsey.

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