Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Girl just LOVES her BLING

This weekend has been a little bit hectic....we have spent a lot of time at Posh the furniture store trying to get the new condo furnished. Well last night Ellasyn as usual had her BLING bracelet on when we went into the store (mind you she has worn this bracelet just about everyday for at least the last 8 months) well when it came time to leave it just could not be found. Miss Patty and I searched all over that store and didn't find it anywhere. I was really bummed that we had lost her bracelet that she had done so well with. Well I want you to know that we had to go back today to Posh and guess what little Miss Priss found all on her own.....Her BLING bracelet!!! We were all so surprised. I don't know if she just happened across it or if she knew where it was all along and just went and picked it up. I could not believe it when she walked over and showed it to me on her arm. Sweet Miss Patty said she had even looked around again after we left and didn't see it! I still just can't believe it but boy am I glad because the girl LOVES her BLING!!!

hmmmm I wonder who she gets that from! :)

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