Sunday, December 14, 2008

Disney Day 4

After Betsey's trip to Bibbiddi Bobbiddi Boutique, we met up with Daddy and Ellasyn and met the Fairy Godmother and Ariel. Then we went and had breakfast where all princesses eat, The Castle. While we were at the Castle we got to talk with some of the princesses and Princess Jasmine remembered Betsey. She was really sweet, she told Betsey "you came to see me yesterday" and she made a big deal about hew Belle outfit and how pretty Betsey looked. We had the best weather that day and we were in the park for a long time. Both of the girls passed out in the stroller on the way back to our room. I still can't believe that Besey wore her dress and kept her hair up the whole day. Let me tell you I was dreading taking her hair down! There was sooooo much glitter and styling product in there it was like a rock!

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